Lucy Kennedy

Lucy Kennedy
Lucy Kennedy is a powerhouse on the Irish entertainment scene.
From her debut on RTE television, through her candid interviews on Living with Lucy, which has been running for nine years, as well as the Lucy Kennedy Show, she has forged a career in radio, television, social media and books. She currently co-presents the breakfast show on Classic Hits FM with Colm Hayes and has a massive listenership.
Writing has always been Lucy's passion and six years ago, she embarked on the hugely successful Friendship Fairies series for children. Seven novels in, the series regularly tops the bestseller lists. She has no plans to stop writing about the adventures of Emme, Holly and Jess, but she is also developing a second children’s book series. Her much anticipated debut novel for adults, The Sunbed Squad, was immediately snapped up by Bonnier and will be published in March 2026.