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Seán Farrell

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Seán Farrell

Seán Farrell is a writer and editor

Seán Farrell was born and brought up in the Irish midlands. After graduating from Cambridge University, he spent fifteen years in France working as a labourer. As well as writing, he works as a freelance editor for publishers and private clients. He lives in Sligo with his wife, the novelist Elske Rahill, and their four children.

His publications include ‘Miracle Shammy’, Dublin Inquirer (2015), ‘Manslaughter’, Galley Beggar Singles (Galley Beggar Press: 2016), ‘Dédé’s Father’, Things Left and Found by the Side of the Road (Bath Flash Fiction Award: 2018), Tidings: An Anthology of New Irish Christmas Stories (ed.) (The Lilliput Press: 2024), ‘Sleepworking’, Archipelago (Clutag Press: 2024)

In February 2025 Seán’s debut novel Frogs for Watchdogs was published by New Island Books to rave reviews.

Praise for Frogs for Watchdogs

“teeters between profound sadness, near-paralysing anxiety and riotous comedy... a paean to the age of innocence.. a novel that will take the reader’s breath away…. It is, in my opinion, a masterpiece”

Anne Cunningham , The Irish Independent

Frogs for Watchdogs by Seán Farrell is a dark, funny, tender and raw read which is an ode to the blended family and the bewildering joy, wary safety and profound new bonds of love.”

Sunday World

“A gorgeous depiction of a troubled childhood.”

Sue Leonard, Irish Examiner

“Tremendous debut.”

Irish Times

“I can't remember the last time I was so caught up in a book. The boy is an utterly beguiling narrator. It is rare to read such a convincing child's voice, and rarer still to see the world through his eyes in such an intense, visceral way. for Jerry Drain's patience and dignity slayed me. This is a very special novel.”

Louise Kennedy

“A beautiful novel. The first three quarters is laden with tension and dread but this dense foreboding lightens and lifts towards the closing sections as we stand back from the story and witness, with growing joy, a wonderful, ineluctable slide towards love. I love the unforced narrative voice and its gorgeous contortions and confections; his innocent yet curiously ancient-feeling observations on the land around him and the people in it. A stunning novel that will live long in my imagination.”

Donal Ryan

“This book felled me. Woven through with stunning sensory impressions, the voice is thoroughly original and devastating. Seán Farrell captures the burden the young carry; their vigilance in a time of lost fathers, lost footing, and lost language. I loved every character: displaced, marginalised and broken – they save one another. This is a beautiful novel, painfully yearning, mysterious, and tender. I couldn’t put it down. Brilliant.”

Una Mannion

“An enthralling novel, and a remarkable imaginative feat – the narrative voice is wholly convincing, and utterly compelling. Seán Farrell is a magical writer, and his name is one to conjure with.”

John Banville

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