Seán Farrell
Seán Farrell
Seán Farrell is a writer and editor
Seán Farrell was born and brought up in the Irish midlands. After graduating from Cambridge University, he spent fifteen years in France working as a labourer. As well as writing, he works as a freelance editor for publishers and private clients. He lives in Sligo with his wife, the novelist Elske Rahill, and their four children.
‘Miracle Shammy’, Dublin Inquirer (2015)
‘Manslaughter’, Galley Beggar Singles (Galley Beggar Press: 2016)
‘Dédé’s Father’, Things Left and Found by the Side of the Road (Bath Flash Fiction Award: 2018)
Tidings: An Anthology of New Irish Christmas Stories (ed.) (The Lilliput Press: 2024)
‘Sleepworking’, Archipelago (Clutag Press: 2024)
Frogs for Watchdogs (New Island Books: 2025)
The Cormorant, Issue 9 (ed.) (2025)
The Best Boy in the World (New Island Books: 2027)